Jun. 15, 2021 For-machining-mechanical -parts-how-are-they-charged? Quotation = material cost + processing cost + labour cost + surface treatment cost + freight + tax. Most manufacturers go by this to calculate their quoted costs, so why is there still a disparity in price?
In fact, the market is full of cases where the cost of the quoted price is high due to unreasonable machining processes. LEARN MORE

Jun. 02, 2021 Why-have-a-big-difference-between-the-same-type-of-CNC-Manufacturer? In fact, there are so many parts that can be machined, from 1 prototype to hundreds or thousands of pieces in bulk. At the same time, they can be made of both plastic and hardware materials, and can be either flat or complex and multi-curved. Not every machining factory can do all of these things, but with years of experience, we can meet all need. LEARN MORE

May. 04, 2021 Do you know the machining accuracy of various machining methods ? Machining includes many kinds of processing methods, such as CNC machining, lathe machining, milling machine machining, grinder machining, wire cutting machining, EDM and so on. So, how much precision can these different machining methods achieve ? You all know ? If you interested to understand, you can follow the editor together to look down. LEARN MORE